Among veterans with risk factors for hepatitis C, a screening program yields results of limited value. The number needed to screen to yield a treatable case of hepatitis C was 451, but the number needed to screen for a successful outcome was more than 4000.
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of death in America, and diabetics suffer a disproportionate burden of risk from cardiovascular disease.
12-lead ECG and lead II rhythm strip obtained from a 72-year-old man with hypertension, ESRD, and heart failure. Which one lead is of most concern to you?
FDA drug approval to change? Urinary incontinence in women; how metabolism of certain drugs can be predicted by genetic analysis; bowel preps may compromise renal function especially in the elderly according to a new study; FDA Actions.
Patients experience headache more than any other form of pain. Headaches account for more than 10 million physician visits annually, including 0.5-2.7% of emergency department (ED) visits.
Medicaid beneficiaries enrolled in Anthem Blue Cross' Self-Care Initiative cut their emergency department use for nonemergent conditions in half, earning the Thousand Oaks, CA-based subsidiary of WellPoint Inc. a BlueWorks Award from the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Creating a plan of care for a catastrophically injured patient is a little like creating a patchwork quilt you gather up scraps from a lot of different places and stitch it together, says Jolynne "Jo" Carter, BSN, RN, CCM.
Anna Gibson, RN, CDMS, a case manager specializing in catastrophic injuries and rehabilitation, typically gets a call when a catastrophically injured worker has just arrived at an acute care hospital and has been admitted to the intensive care unit.